Wednesday, October 27, 2010

week 3

Duncan picking pumpkins
 our attempt at getting the boys together in the pumpkins
 my boys!
 my babies!
 guns up cowboy!

Friday, October 22, 2010

We made it through the first two weeks!  Duncan is doing great with his baby brother "Bo Bo" and helps put his paci in his mouth if he is crying.  Bowen had his 2 week appointment and is growing on schedule.  

Monday, October 11, 2010

Bowen Matthew has arrived!

Bowen Matthew Shoberg arrived on October 6, 2010 at 3:37 am.  He weighed 8 pounds, 1 ounce and was 20 3/4" long. 

On Tuesday, October 5th I saw Dr. Seeker and was 3 cm and 75% and he told me it really could be any day.  He warned me not to delay and come straight to the hospital at the first sign of labor because my labor will more than likely be fast.  The first inclination I had that he might arrive that night was at 8:00 as we sat down for dinner I had some lower back pain that came and went.  It was a huge reminder of the back labor I had with Duncan.  I told Matt that we better make a plan for Duncan in case he comes tonight because Terrie was not due in until Wednesday evening.  Sure enough, I woke up at 12:30 with my first contraction.  I waited until 1:00 to wake Matt up and told him I wasn't sure.  He took one look at me and said "let's get going".  I wanted to take a shower and make the bed - he wouldn't let me and I'm so glad because when we got in the truck at 1:15am to head out they were really close together and the pain was getting much worse.  It was just like the movies - he had his hazard lights on and speeding down Mopac for our long drive up North.  I got into the L&D room around 1:50 (I remember this because I asked for the epidural right away and asked how long it would take.  She told me 20 min and I was watching the clock to hold her to that!)  I was 6cm when I arrived and 40 min later I was 9 cm when I finally got the epidural around 2:30am.  I started pushing around 3:00 to break my water.  Dr. Seeker was on-call that night and was sleeping at the hospital.  The nurse called him in once he crowned.  With the next contraction I could feel him coming.  She told me not to push - easy for her to say.  And with one more contraction I said "he is coming RIGHT NOW" with a little more seriousness because all the nurses went into action and a few seconds later Bowen was here.  Dr. Seeker came running in with no socks and his shoes untied - he missed it.  I guess both of my boys have to come into this world with some sort of excitement. 

Duncan is doing great!  He calls his little brother Bo Bo and is so cute and shy when he says it.  He loves to touch and say all his body parts - eyes, ears, nose, hat, etc.  He gives him hugs and kisses and has been a very patient and sweet big brother.

Matt and I (after epidural and prior to pushing)
sweet little Bowen Matthew
he had so much dark hair the nurses in the nursery gave him a mohawk
Daddy and our newest little red raider!
Duncan meets Bowen "Bo Bo" and immediately takes off his hat
The Shoberg family
proud daddy
sweet baby

we got to go home just 36 hours after delivery

Grammy came to help!
Duncan talking to Bopba
after bath