Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Duncan is learning new things everyday. He loves to be sitting up straight or standing up (with assistance of course) he just hates to be laying down anymore. So, I had to find him something to keep him entertained in the sitting/standing position. He isn't quite big enough for the exer-saucer but he LOVES it! We put a book under him so his feet would touch and he loves to bounce. notice the book under his feet :)

Duncan and Anna - best buds!

Monday, August 10, 2009

3 months

Duncan is 3 months old! He is such a happy baby. He has a full on hard laugh and he smiles all the time at anyone that will talk to him. I can even get him to smile in the middle of a cry. On Saturday, we went to the neighborhood pool with Kristine, Jeff and Luke (9 mo) and Grandma. Duncan LOVED the water. He likes to float and kick his feet.

Here he is lounging in his float!the boys - Matt and Duncan, Jeff and Lukehe loves to floatnap time!i love this pic!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

What has Daddy been up to?

Since the spotlight has been on Duncan for the last 3 months, I thought I would throw in a few updates on what we have been doing other than being parents. This is Matt's current project. A beautiful home for a great family on the Austin Country Club Golf Course. He broke ground in February of this year and is doing an amazing job. We are so blessed!

Babies, Babies, Everywhere!

We knew it wasn't the best idea, but we just had to get a picture of the 5 babies under 9 months that happened to be at a small get-together at Marc & Sarah's house. This is the best shot we got. From left to right: Duncan (12 weeks) watching mommy make funny faces; Chris (6 months) was working those abs trying to sit-up; Anna (10 weeks) the only girl of the bunch was not happy being surrounded by all those stinky boys!; Luke (9 months) how exactly do you keep a 9 month old still for a pic?; Mason (3 weeks) the youngest and most chill during the whole thing.
Then there were 3....these boys like to get their picture taken :) we are so lucky to have so many friends with babies around the same age! We will have to get another pic next year - same time, same place.