Wednesday, September 29, 2010

September (16 months)

September has been a great month! Football has started and Duncan knows when "fooBALL" is on TV. He can also do a good "guns up" with both guns in the air! His newest favorite is watching TV. Barney is what he asks for at least a dozen times a day. He will bring us the remote and say "Barrey?" with the cutest little face that we have a hard time saying no. He also loves Finding Nemo and says "Meemu" and makes his fish sound "babababa". It's amazing to me that a 16 month old can sit through the entire movie smiling, laughing, scared when the sharkes come on, and clap when Nemo finds his Dad. He's not really into any other shows or movies.

I have been taking it slow from work to get prepared for the baby and have gotten to spend a lot of time with Duncan. We took him out of full-time day care and he started his new Mother's Day Out at Park Hill's Baptist Church on Tuesdays and Thursdays. He is in a class of 8 (4 boys, 4 girls) all within 3 months of his age. His best friend Anna "Annieee" is in his class so it is good that they know each other outside of school. We also did Gymboree this month. It was so fun getting to see him interact in a class-like setting. He likes to do his own thing and watch from a distance. He LOVES bubbles, the parachute and climbing ladders. He kept me on my toes which was not always easy at 9 months pregnant.

He is using so many words we have lost count...some of the most recent cracker, cookie, car, truck, up, outside, on, banana, bubbles...

Baby update: I saw Dr. Seeker yesterday and am 2 cm and 60% effaced. The baby is very low and around 7 lbs. Dr. Seeker said it really could be any day now, but he would still bet on the due date, but not later. So sometime within the next 9 days!

Duncan watching "Barrey"running outside

playdate with Anna (16 mo) and Luke (2 yrs)

and Colton and Leo (3 months)