Monday, December 28, 2009

First Christmas!

Duncan had a wonderful first Christmas! Grammy and Bobpa drove into town on the Sunday to spend the whole week with us. We went to the Trail of Lights, Christmas Eve Service at Lake Hills Church, Christmas Eve dinner at mom and dad's, Christmas breakfast at mom and dads, Christmas dinner at Char and Russ's with the ENTIRE Beardlsey family - all 38 of us - whew! Duncan was such a trooper.

first Trail of Lights (scaled down this year due to the economy - was a big dissappointment)... First Christmas outfit! :)

Mimi and Sassy
Casey and Polo
First screwdriver!
The Smiths bought me my first race car! complete with decals to look just like Casey's racecar :) I am officially on the Smith Racing Driver Development Team!!!
My first stocking!
My first rocking horse from Grammy and Bobpa
My first rocking elephant from Grandstan and (Grandma no-name)
Uncle Nick

Monday, December 21, 2009

Santa Claus is coming to town!

Duncan had his first visit with Santa and it went great - at least for me, maybe not for poor Santa. Duncan went right to him without a care in the world. I thought he would pull his glassess or beard off, but instead he just sat there quietly, smiled right at him and then put his head on his shoulder. He was abnormally still while mom and I shot off a bunch of pictures. Afterwards, as we were leaving I noticed a horrible stinch. Duncan had one of his horrible diapers that have gotten progressevly worse as we try new foods. I now know why he was so still with santa - he was working on a diaper!!!! SO SORRY SANTA! We are really looking forward to Duncan's 1st Christmas!

Monday, November 30, 2009

1st Thanksgiving

Duncan spent his first Thanksgiving in Albuquerque with the Gorrell family that he got to meet for the first time - Great Grandparents Art and Helen Gorrell, Jeff, Lisa, Tiana and Sterling Gorrell and Joe, Ann, Madison and Morgan McFerron. We had a huge slumber party at Grammy and Grandpa Bop-Bob's. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving lunch on Thursday and watched football to digest, went shopping in Old Town on Friday, took the train to Sante Fe on Saturday along with friends Brett and Christina and visited friends Mike and Lacy Robson on Sunday. whew...what a busy weekend!
Mommy and Duncan
Grammy and Duncan

I think this is our first picture together without D since he was born :)
our family

Grandpa Bop-Bob let me drive the tractor!!
I love Grandpa Bop-Bob

Friday, November 20, 2009

First Tooth

Duncan got his first tooth! Daddy noticed it had broken the gums on Thurs. evening.

Some of Duncan's favorite things to do these days:

play with Flynt and Boston - he can sit outside for hours and just watch the dogs and yell and laugh at them. Anytime we pass by a window looking into the backyard he stops to look for them.

He loves hats (baseball caps to be exact). He wants to be with whoever is wearing a hat and he will chew on the brim of it. It started with Daddy's hats, but now he will see total strangers in the store and try to go for their hat.

He loves songs and dancing - his Aunt Stephi started him on the dancing. Any time he starts to get a little fussy all I have to do is turn on his Slugs, Bugs & Lullubies CD or sing "I am a Lion..." and he immediately gets happy.

He likes to make a lot of noise both with his voice and banging toys on things.

I use my phone a lot to take pictures of him on the fly...anytime he sees the phone come out he gives me a HUGE smile :)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

6 months!

Duncan is 6 months old!
Weight: 17 lbs 10.5 ou - 60%
Height: 26 in - 50%
Head: 75% (big brain)
his newest accomplishment this month is sitting unassisted. loves carrots, sweet potatoes and pears - hates peas and apple sauce

Monday, November 2, 2009

My 1st Halloween!

A little sweet potatoes before the party... Dunkey Monkey!
Kelly & Mason (4 mo), Sarah & Anna (5 months), Paige & Duncan (5 1/2 months)

Anna (glow worm), Luke (elvis) 1 year, Mason (cow) and Dunkey Monkey

eating Grand Stan's nose!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Many "Firsts"

First Cowboys game-watching with Daddy... First beer (while watching Red Raiders beat Nebraska)...

First hundey....

First pumpkin...
I can now suck my toes...yummy....

1st birthday party for my buddy Luke!

1st girlfriend (Anna)....

Thursday, October 8, 2009

5 month report

Duncan is 5 months old and weighed in today at 16lbs 5oz. He has changed so much in the last few weeks I am seeing more attributes of a little boy than a baby. He touches EVERYTHING. Anything I have in my hands he wants to touch and grab and put in his mouth. He loves to touch whatever I am drinking and we say "brrrrrrrrr" and shake like we are cold - he thinks that is funny. Now he likes to put his mouth on the cup like he is drinking. He loves Daddy's hats and wants to put the rim in his mouth. Early in the month he had mastered rolling from tummy to back - mostly because he hated tummy time. Just this week he started rolling from his back to tummy. I thought it was just by mistake, but now everytime I put him down he has rolled over within seconds. Then he looks like a catepillar scooting himself towards whatever it is he has his eyes on. I keep trying to get video of his roll-over but I'm always too slow and by the time I turn around he is already on his tummy - I can see what I have to look forward to when he starts to crawl....ughh...
Matt and I talk every day about how lucky we are to have such a GOOD baby.

This picture was taken when I went to check on him during a nap.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Love my rice cereal & Grammy!

This past week we introduced Duncan to food from a spoon - starting with rice cereal. It has been so much fun. At first he was more interested in the spoon - taking it out of our hands and putting it in his mouth to chew on but he is quickly learning to open wide when the spoon comes closer. Grammy came in town to visit this week and it has been great to have her here. Duncan LOVES his Grammy and can't wait to see her again at Thanksgiving.

Friday, September 18, 2009

this is hilarious! watch the entire video and turn volume up!

4 months!

Our little man is growing up! We went to his 4 month well check yesterday where he was a champ with the shots once again. Duncan weighed in at 15 lbs 6 oz and 25 inches long - both at 50%. He has officially doubled his birth weight.

Ready for football!
bath time!

this picture was taken right after his 4 month shots - he is looking more and more like Matt!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Morgan's 3rd Birthday

Duncan and I took a trip up to Wichita, KS for Morgan's 3rd Birthday party while Dad spent opening weekend hunting. I can't believe my beautiful goddaughter is already 3! She is so grown up. The princess!

Morgan and Duncan!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Happy Birthday Duncan!

....Grandpa Duncan that is....Big Dunc would be 65 years old today. I wish I had gotten the chance to meet him, but I know everyone who knew and loved him misses him greatly. Now his name lives on with his Grandson. Many people that knew "Big Duncan" refer to our little guy as "Lil' Dunc" and say that he definately resembles his Grandfather. Lucky guy!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Duncan is learning new things everyday. He loves to be sitting up straight or standing up (with assistance of course) he just hates to be laying down anymore. So, I had to find him something to keep him entertained in the sitting/standing position. He isn't quite big enough for the exer-saucer but he LOVES it! We put a book under him so his feet would touch and he loves to bounce. notice the book under his feet :)

Duncan and Anna - best buds!