Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas 2010!

We had a great Christmas. It started the weekend before when we did Christmas with the Miller family.  Duncan and Bowen were both spoiled with all sorts of new toys!  On Wednesday we headed out to Albuquerque to spend the week with Grammy and Bopba and the rest of the Gorrell and Howey family.  Bowen got to meet a bunch of his family for the first time.  Duncan got sick on Christmas Eve and didn't feel 100% but was still a trooper.
Bowen with Aunt Sandy
 Aunt Sandy, Grammy and Bo
 Duncan and Bowen Christmas Day

 Mimi, Sassy and Bowen
 so sweet!
 the fam!
 Bowen's new Uggs
 Duncan's new weedeater!
 and his John Deer wheel barrow
 he won't weedeat without his goggles ("hat")
 Bowen's new activity mat
 Duncan loves his new portable DVD from Santa
 on a walk in ABQ
 D & B
 Bowen loves his bath at Grammy and Bobpa's

Monday, December 20, 2010

Chuggington Dance

 I came across this video from a few months ago, but it is hilarious!  Duncan and Anna at 17 months dancing
 to their favortie show's theme song, Chuggington!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

picture with Santa, a success!
 Duncan's MDO class: Etta, Katelyn, Layla, Anna, Nick, Duncan, Jake and Sam

November pics

click here to see pics from November

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Grammy and Bobpa came to Austin to spend Thanksgiving with us.  We had such a great time going to the park, showing them Matt's current projects and stuffing our faces at two Thanksgiving dinners in one day.

Duncan playing with his 2nd cousins at the Eppright house for Thanksgiving lunch.
 hanging out at the house - Grammy, Bowen and Bobpa
 Bowen, looking like such a big boy!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Duncan helping daddy with the deer feeder
 first ride on the 4-wheeler - loved it!
 Anna getting her first kiss from Sam at our playdate
 Duncan, Sam, Anna and Jacob (all born in May 2009)
 Harper and Duncan at Zilker Park

Bowen's name

Many people have asked about Bowen's name, so I have been meaning to post this for a while, but it's harder to find time to sit in front of the computer these days...

We had it easy with Duncan when it comes to choosing names.  We wanted to honor Matt's father who passed away in 2002, so when we found out we were having a boy, the name was already decided.  At first, we thought it would be Duncan Matthew, but then realized that if we had another boy, he would have all the family names, so at the last minute (in the hospital) we changed his middle name to Levi.  (Levi is Hebrew for Matthew in the Bible).

When we found out that we were having another boy, the name game was not so simple.  We both just expected that a name would come to us, but as we started getting closer to the due date and still hadn't found "the name" I started to get worried.  I really didn't want to go into labor without a name.  I was ok with having 2-3 to choose from once we met him, but we couldn't even come up with 2-3 names that we both agreed on and liked enough.  Because Duncan is a family name, we would have liked to find another family name for baby #2.  I searched both family trees and couldn't come up with one we liked.  My maiden name, Miller, was at the top of our list for a while.  Neither one of us like the traditional/common names, but we didn't want to go too crazy and make up a name that would be too trendy or weird.  We tried D names to go with Duncan - Decker, Dawson, Dillon, but then I was afraid if we had a 3rd child, finding another D name we liked would be difficult.

I was looking everywhere for a name - on daycare class lists, on the internet, street signs, whatever...  Finally, in mid-September I came up with Bowen.  I'm not sure if I saw it somewhere and then it clicked later, or if I just came up with it on my own, but I liked it.  I always liked the name Owen, but Matt wasn't sold on it.  I loved that Bowen could be a Bo.  Bowen Shoberg had a good ring to it and Duncan and Bowen sounded good together.  I almost let it go without running it by Matt because I thought if he didn't like Owen then why would he like Bowen.  He was on his way home from his annual fishing trip and I texted him "what about Bowen?".  He quickly responded "LOVE it".  When we got home we tested out Bowen with Duncan.  "Duncan, can you say Bowen?" and he responded with the sweetest, shy, voice "bo bo".  That nearly brought both of us to tears and that is when we knew we found his name. YEA! what a relief. 

Just after I got home from the hospital my brother, Nick, e-mailed me an article.  Drew Brees (New Orleans Saints Quarterback and an ex-boyfriend of mine) was expecting his 2nd baby boy any day and he and his wife still had not come up with a name.  He had posted on Twitter that he was taking suggestions for uncommon boy names that start with a B.  I tweeted to him and told him that we just had our 2nd son and named him Bowen and that Baylen (Drew's first son) and Bowen would sound good together.  Apparently Drew got a huge response from fans so I have no idea if he got my response or if it was just coincedence and I may never know but a few days later his son was born and he announced that they named him Bowen Brees.

So....Bowen may not be such an uncommon name now that Drew gave the name to his son, but at least my Bowen had it first :)

Monday, November 1, 2010

October pics

Click here to see pictures from October

September pictures

I'm a little are pictures from September

Halloween 2010

Duncan absolutely LOVES the movie Finding Nemo.  He calls it "Mamo". He asks for it at least once every day and when he does get the opportunity to watch it (more often now that Bowen takes up a lot of my time) he sits and watches the entire movie.  I have tried others, but they just don't keep his attention like Nemo does.  So when it came time to decide what Duncan should be for Halloween - MAMO, of course!  I really wanted Bowen to be Squirt (the baby turtle), but they didn't have any squirts in newborn size.  He was Nemo as well, but his costume was WAY too big.  Oh well, he slept through the entire party anyway.

Nemo at the block party. 

 Baby Nemo

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

week 3

Duncan picking pumpkins
 our attempt at getting the boys together in the pumpkins
 my boys!
 my babies!
 guns up cowboy!

Friday, October 22, 2010

We made it through the first two weeks!  Duncan is doing great with his baby brother "Bo Bo" and helps put his paci in his mouth if he is crying.  Bowen had his 2 week appointment and is growing on schedule.  

Monday, October 11, 2010

Bowen Matthew has arrived!

Bowen Matthew Shoberg arrived on October 6, 2010 at 3:37 am.  He weighed 8 pounds, 1 ounce and was 20 3/4" long. 

On Tuesday, October 5th I saw Dr. Seeker and was 3 cm and 75% and he told me it really could be any day.  He warned me not to delay and come straight to the hospital at the first sign of labor because my labor will more than likely be fast.  The first inclination I had that he might arrive that night was at 8:00 as we sat down for dinner I had some lower back pain that came and went.  It was a huge reminder of the back labor I had with Duncan.  I told Matt that we better make a plan for Duncan in case he comes tonight because Terrie was not due in until Wednesday evening.  Sure enough, I woke up at 12:30 with my first contraction.  I waited until 1:00 to wake Matt up and told him I wasn't sure.  He took one look at me and said "let's get going".  I wanted to take a shower and make the bed - he wouldn't let me and I'm so glad because when we got in the truck at 1:15am to head out they were really close together and the pain was getting much worse.  It was just like the movies - he had his hazard lights on and speeding down Mopac for our long drive up North.  I got into the L&D room around 1:50 (I remember this because I asked for the epidural right away and asked how long it would take.  She told me 20 min and I was watching the clock to hold her to that!)  I was 6cm when I arrived and 40 min later I was 9 cm when I finally got the epidural around 2:30am.  I started pushing around 3:00 to break my water.  Dr. Seeker was on-call that night and was sleeping at the hospital.  The nurse called him in once he crowned.  With the next contraction I could feel him coming.  She told me not to push - easy for her to say.  And with one more contraction I said "he is coming RIGHT NOW" with a little more seriousness because all the nurses went into action and a few seconds later Bowen was here.  Dr. Seeker came running in with no socks and his shoes untied - he missed it.  I guess both of my boys have to come into this world with some sort of excitement. 

Duncan is doing great!  He calls his little brother Bo Bo and is so cute and shy when he says it.  He loves to touch and say all his body parts - eyes, ears, nose, hat, etc.  He gives him hugs and kisses and has been a very patient and sweet big brother.

Matt and I (after epidural and prior to pushing)
sweet little Bowen Matthew
he had so much dark hair the nurses in the nursery gave him a mohawk
Daddy and our newest little red raider!
Duncan meets Bowen "Bo Bo" and immediately takes off his hat
The Shoberg family
proud daddy
sweet baby

we got to go home just 36 hours after delivery

Grammy came to help!
Duncan talking to Bopba
after bath